Vaisala - Reinventing Corporate Music

Vaisala wanted to explore the creative abilities of Generative AI in their internal marketing with Vaisala‘s employees and recruits being the target group. We asked ourselves what new types of media can AI open that could engage employees, helping them connect with Vaisala’s new brand purpose as well as their products and services. We decided maybe it was time to reinvent corporate music.

Vaisala - Reinventing Corporate Music

Meet The Parameters, a virtual band obsessed with science and measurement.

The Parameters launched their debut EP of five songs called Instruments and Intelligence on 20 May 2024, also know as World Metrology Day to those in the know! The EP explores Vaisala’s purpose and products using generative AI tools and mixes music genres and styles, ranging from sparse folk vocals to full on hair metal.  

The Parameters isn't just a band; it's ultimately a marketing experiment designed to explore and discover new ways to communicate, inspire, and connect and it fits hand in glove with Vaisala's strategy of test AI's boundaries.

This project is meant to spark conversations and get people thinking about AI’s role in their work. Is it just a tool to boost productivity, or can it also fuel our creativity and innovation? Does AI excite, or does it make one uneasy?

We set up a forum where Vaisala employees could dive into these questions, share their thoughts, and engage in the conversation. To activate the engagement we organized a vote for the best song and competition to create the next songs.

The Band

Parameters fuses the worlds of science, engineering, and music. This international trio, known for their inspiring groove and insightful lyrics, are entirely made with AI but guided creatively every step of the way with human hands and creative direction.  The Parameters push the boundaries of what music can be and who its meant for. So sit back, relax and let the The Parameters guide you through a journey of sound and science.

Elo (Engineer and Vocalist):

Elo, a Finnish artist and engineer with a fascination for breaking points, draws inspiration from exploring the edges and pushing boundaries.  His technical expertise and artistic vision combine to bring a unique depth to the band's music.

Lucie (Lead Singer):

Lucie is the mesmerising front-woman of The Parameters who captivates audiences with her hauntingly beautiful voice. Beyond her musical prowess, Lucie is a passionate scientist who spends her spare time exploring the effects of sound waves on various materials.

Kaito (Storm Chaser and Musician):

Originally hailing from Japan, Kaito has spent years chasing storms, capturing breathtaking photos, and creating music inspired by nature’s raw, unbridled power. His ability to translate the intensity of these moments into his art has made him a true multi-talent.

The EP was made for internal purposes, please message us on to get the password to view the EP.

How we made the music

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